Xiangyang Wu, Ph.D.
Dean, School of theEnvironment and Safety Engineering
Professor, Graduate facultyfor Ph.D. and M.S. students
Ph.D., Processing andStorage of Agricultural Products, Jiangsu University, P. R. China, 2005
M.S. Physical Chemistry,Nanjing University, P. R. China, 1989
B. S., Chemical education,Nanjing Normal University, P. R. China, 1986
? Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
? Water Pollution Control Technology
? Environment and Health
?Bioenergy and Biomass Utilization for Fuels and Chemicals
?Environmental Planning and Management
Email: wuxy@ujs.edu.cn Tell: +86-0511-88791200 Fax: +86-0511-88790955
Janzhong Sun, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor, Graduate faculty forPh.D. and M.S. students
Director of Biofuels Institute of JiangsuUniversity, P. R. China
Vice dean, School of the Environment, JiangsuUniversity, P. R. China
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of BiologicalSystems Engineering, Washington State University, USA
Education background
Ph.D. Major: Entomology/minor:Statistics/microbiology, Louisiana State University, USA, 2002
M.S., Entomology/Ecology, NanjingAgricultural University, P. R. China, 1985
B. S., Plant Protection, Nanjing AgriculturalUniversity, P. R. China, 1982
Research interests
? Recycle, reuse, and recovery of wastebiomass and other important lignocellulosic biomass resources for variousvalue-added fuels and chemicals
? Advanced lignocellulolytic systemdevelopment for novel bioreactors via processing bionics (biomimetics)
? Dedicatedbioenergy crop development via cell wall modification and bioengineering
? Advancedtechnology development for biomass-based plastics and other relevant bio-products
? Advancedtechnology development for microbial fuel cells
E-mail: jzsun1002@ujs.edu.cn or jzsun1002@hotmail.com
Tel: +86-0511-88796122 Website of Biofuels Institute: http://biofuels.ujs.edu.cn
Daolin Du, Ph.D.
Professor, Graduate faculty for Ph.D. and M.S. students
The vice president inSchool of the Environment and Safety Engineering
Education Background
Post-doctor ofBiology, Shenyang Applied Ecology Research Institute, Chinese Academy ofSciences, 1999-2001
Ph.D. inGenetic Breeding of Crops, South China University of Tropical Agriculture,1996-1999
M.S. inBotany, Biology Department, Southwest China Normal University, 1991-1994
B.S. inBiology, Biology Department, Southwest China Normal University, 1987-1991
Mainly engaged in theresearch of alien species invasion and biodiversity in particular environments.
? Environmentaland ecological mechanisms
? Environmentalecotoxicology
? Themodel prediction and risk assessment
? Ecological restoration
Email:daolindu@163.comTell: +86-13852946639Fax: +86-0511-88790955
Weilan Shao, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor
Education Background
Ph.D., Microbiology, University of Georgia, USA, 1993
M.S., Plant pathology, Nanjing AgriculturalUniversity, China, 1985
B.S., Plant protection, Nanjing AgriculturalUniversity, China, 1982
Research Interesting
Molecular microbiology and pathway engineering;
Methodology of gene cloning, expression, directedevolution and regulation;
Genetic engineering for biomedical proteins andindustrial enzymes.
Email:weilanshao@gmail.com Tell: +86-511-88783711 Fax: +86-511-88783711
Cheng-wu Yi, Ph.D.
Professor, Graduatefaculty for Ph.D. and M.S. students
Ph.D.,Environmental Engineering, Jiangsu University,2010
M.S.,Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Dalian Maritime University,2003
B.S.,Computer and electronic technology, University of Science and TechnologyLiaoning,1988
? Research on key technologies of charged coagulation for ultra-finedust
? Research on treatment of cyanobacteria, pathogenic microorganisms,
cyanobacterial toxins and other organicpollutants in water with hydroxyl radical
? Research on cleaning harmful gas by gas discharge plasma
E-mail:yichengwu0943@163.comTel:+86-0511-88780203 Fax: +86-0511-88790955
Qin Yao, Ph.D.
Education Background
1979.9-1983.7 BS in Anhui Agricultural University,P.R.China.
1990.9-1991.7 Ministry of Agriculture English training.
1996.9-1997.7 MS in Graduate School of Chinese Academy ofAgricultural Science ,P.R.China.
Research Interesting
? Molecular biology of insect viruses.
? Composition and structure of insect virus genome, the function andvariation of gene;
? Exploration of the new biotechnological product, e.g. recombined virus,anti-virus transgenic insect, as well as the molecular breeding technology ofanti-virus silkworm.
E-mail: yaoqin@ujs.edu.cnTel: 0511-88791702 Fax: 0511-88791923
Feng-Xian Qiu,Ph.D.
Schoolof the Environment and Safety Engineering, School of Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering
Professor, Graduate facultyfor Ph.D. and M.S. students
Ph.D., Physics and Chemistryof Materials, Southeast University, P. R. China, 2005
M.S. Applied Chemistry,Nanjing University of Chemical Technology, P. R. China, 1999
B. S., Chemical education,Nanjing Normal University, P. R. China, 1987
? Environmental chemistry and Novel Materials applied for EnvironmentalProtection
? Monitoring and Controlling Technologies Applied for EnvironmentProtection
? Bioenergy and Biomass
? Photocatalyticelimination of environmental pollutants
Email: fxqiu@ujs.edu.cn Tell: +86-0511-88791800 Fax: +86-0511-88791800
Jian-xiongJiang, Ph.D.
Professor, Graduate faculty for Ph.D. and M.S.students
Ph.D., Crop Science, Hunan Agricultural University, P. R. China, 2000
B. S., Horticulture, Hunan Agricultural University, P. R.China, 1995
Germplasm evaluation of bioenergygrass crops (Miscanthus, Arundo,Pennisetum,etc.) and exploration of their elite gene resources;
Genetic improvement and breeding on biomass yield,salt tolerance ability and lignocellulosedegradability for bioenergy grass crops throughartificial hybridization, cell engineering and genic engineering.
Email: jxjiang2002@163.com Tell:+86-0511-88796122 Fax:+86-0511-88790955
Ji-min Xie,Ph.D.
School of Chemistry &Chemical Engineering
1978-1982£¬Nanjing University£¬B. Sc.
1994-1996£¬Kumamoto University of Japan£¬Ph.D.
2006-2007£¬Visiting Professor, TohokuUniversity of Japan
? Preparation, properties and applications inenvironmental protection of functional nanomaterials.
? Green chemical technology.
? Functional coordination polymers: synthesis, structure,properties and its applications.
Email: xiejm@ujs.edu.cn Tell: +86-0511-88791708 Fax: +86-0511-88791800
Ni Liang,Ph.D.
Dean,School of Chemistryand Chemical Engineering, Jiangsu University
Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, ZhejiangUniversity, P. R. China, 2001
M.S., Physical Chemistry,Zhejiang University, P. R. China, 1989
? New Materials applied for Environmental Protection
? Green oxidation technology
Email:niliang@ujs.edu.cn Tell:+86-0511-88791928 Fax: +86-0511-88791800
Qi Zhang,Ph.D.
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Professor, Graduate faculty for Ph.D. and M.S.students
Ph.D., CatalyticChemistry, Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics ChineseAcademyof Sciences, P. R. China, 1997
M.S. Bioinorganic, Chemical College of Lanzhou University, P. R. China, 1994
B. S., PolymerPhysics, Chemical College of Lanzhou University, P. R. China, 1986
? Preparationand properties of polymer materials and biomedical materials
? Naturalorganic compounds modifying magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents and magnetic resonance imaging technology
? Research ofmechanism of catalytic coordination chemistry degrading polysaccharides andapplication of narrow molecular weight distribution oligosaccharides
Email: qzhang@ujs.edu.cn Tell: (+86)15052912035 Fax: +86-0511-88791800
Liu-Qing Yang, Ph.D.
Professor,Ph.D Supervisor
Schoolof Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Education Background
1982.9-1986.7,Chemistry Department, Nanjing Normal University, China; BSc in Chemical Education
1986.9-1989.6,Chemistry Department, Nanjing Normal University, China; Graduatein Physical Chemistry
1999.9-2003.6,School of Food and Biological Engineering, JiangsuUniversity, China, Ph.D in Processing and Storage of Agricultural Products
Research Interesting
? EnvironmentalChemistry and Toxicology
?Environment and Health
? WaterPollution Control Technology
? Bioenergyand Biomass Utilization for Fuels and Chemicals
E-mail: yangliuqing@ujs.edu.cnTel&Fax: 0086-511-88791800
Qing-Jie Xie, Ph.D.
School of the Environmentand Safety Engineering
Professor, Graduate facultyfor M.S. students
Ph.D., EnvironmentEngineering, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, P. R. China, 2005
M.S. Civil Engineering, WuhanInstitute of Urban Construction, P. R. China, 1999
B. S., Water Supply &Drainage Engineering, Hebei Institute of Architecture Engineering, P. R. China,1996
?Soil/water body remediation
? Rainfallrunflow pollutants and its control
? Wetlandgeochemistry
? Newtechnology for industry wastewater treatment
Email: xieqingjie73@163.com Tell: +86-0511-88790931 Fax: +86-0511-88790955
Shan-Ying Zhu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Food Science , Jiangsu University, P. R. China,2010
M.S. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Jiangsu University, P. R. China, 2005
B. S., Bio-pharmaceutical, China PharmaceuticalUniversity, P. R. China, 2001
? Baculoviruses¡ª the application as bioinsecticides
? Control of crop pathogens by disease resistancegenes
Email:zhushanying@ujs.edu.cn Tell:+86-0511-88790931Fax:+86-0511-88790955
Wan-zhen Xu,Ph.D.
Dean, School of theEnvironment
Graduate facultyfor M.S. students
Ph.D., EnvironmentalEngineering, Jiangsu University, P. R. China, 2009
B. S., Chemicaleducation, Nanjing Normal University, P. R. China, 2004
?Environmental chemistry and Novel Materials applied for EnvironmentalProtection
Email: xwz09@ujs.edu.cn Tell: (0)13852940189 Fax:+86-0511-88790955
Gangbing Zhu (Öì¸Õ±ø), Ph.D.
School of the Environment and SafetyEngineering
Education Background
2008.9-2013.7 Ph.D. in chemistry, State KeyLaboratory of Chemo/Biosensing and Chemometrics, College of Chemistry andChemical Engineering, Hunan University, PR China.
2015.9-2016.9 Postdoc. in chemistry, Departmentof Chemistry, Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea.
Research Interesting
·Novel electrochemical analytical methods for organic pollutants
·Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology
Email:zhgb1030@ujs.edu.cn Tell: +86 18361813769 Fax: +86-0511-88790955
Guo-Xi Ling,Ph.D.
School of the Environment
Associate Professor, the mentor of graduate student
Education Background
Ph.D., Chemistry, State Key Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry for
Life Science,
School of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University,Nanjing, China,
M.S., Analytical Chemistry, School of Chemistry & ChemicalEngineering, Shaanxi
Normal University, Xi¡¯an, China, 2005
B. S., Chemical Education, School of Chemistry, Datong University, Datong£¬China,
Research Interesting
Dr. Liang actively pursues research in bioanalyticalchemistry and environmental analysis based on functionalized nanomaterials.
? preparation of fluorescent and magnetic nanomaterials
? cell imaging and animal in-vivo imaging
? development of biosensors and analytical assays for moleculesof environmental and biological significance
? DNA damage and protein biomarkers
? affinity binding assays. These analytical techniques andassays enable studies of the environment and human health
Email:gxliang@ujs.edu.cnTell: +86-051188790931 Fax: +86-0511-88790955
Ping Huang,Ph.D.
Associate professor,Graduate faculty for M.S. student
Post-doctor ofAgricultural Biological Environment and Energy Engineering, Jiangsu University,2012-now
Ph.D. in Plant biotechnology, Chonnam National University (South Korea), 2007-2011
M.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Xinjiang University, 2004-2007
B.S. in Biotechnology,Xinjiang University, 2000-2004
? Plant Biotechnology
? Environmental Ecology
? Plant Invasion
? Plant Functional Genomics
Email:huangjiehp@163.comTell: +86-15252914861 Fax:+86-511-88790955
Ru-Jin Zhao, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Mastergradate advisor
Ph.D., EnvironmentEngineering, Jiangsu University,
P. R. China, 2009
M.S., EnvironmentEngineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, P. R. China, 2001
B.S., Mineral ProcessingEngineering, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, P. R. China, 1998
? Advanced treatment and reusetechnologies of domestic wastewater
?Treatment and comprehensive utilization of solid wastes
Email:zhaorujin@mail.ujs.edu.cn Tell:+86-0511-88790931Fax:+86-0511-88790955
ShaoXiao-Ling, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Master Supervisor
Ph.D., Municipal Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technology, P. R. China, 2009
M.S., EnvironmentalEngineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, P. R. China, 2002
B. S., EnvironmentalEngineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, P. R. China, 2000
? Control of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic system
? Migration and transformation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in watersystem
Email:pooshao@gmail.com Tell: 0511-88790931 Fax: 0511-88790955
Hui-juan Wang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering, Jiangsu University
2004--2007 Ph.D., Dalian University of Technology, China
2001--2003 M.S., Wuhan University of Technology, China
1997--2004 B.S., Wuhan University of Technology, China
? Pulsed discharge plasmatechnology and its environmental application
? Plasma ReactionEngineering
? Photocatalyticoxidation technology
Email:hjwang@ujs.edu.cn Tell: 86-15005284683 Fax: 0511-88790955
Jun Liu, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Environmental Engineering, JiangsuUniversity, P. R. China, 2009
B. S., Environmental Planning and Management, JilinUniversity, P. R. China, 1997
? SoilPollution Control and Remediation Technology
? WaterPollution Control and Resource Reuse
? EnvironmentFunctional Material
Email:liujun1227@mail.ujs.edu.cn Tell:0511-88790931 Fax: 0511-88790955
Daochen Zhu,Ph.D.
Associate Professor,Graduate faculty for M.S. students
Ph.D of Microbiology, KobeUniversity, Japan, 2008
M.S.,Fermentation Engineering, Dalian Polytechnic UniversityChina,2004
B. S., Food Science and Engineering, Shandong Institute of Light Industry, China.2000
? EnvironmentalMicrobiology, Bio-degradation of organic Pollutants.
? Biofueland Bioenergy, Lignin degradation by bacteria.
? Marinemicroorganism resource and diversity, marine bacteriaand biofuel.
? Functional genomics, transcriptomic andmetabolomic of microorganisms.
Email: dczhucn@hotmail.comTell: +86-13862457021 Fax: +86-0511-88796122
Fu-XiangChang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,Biofuels Institute, School of the Environment
Ph.D., Materials Science andEngineering, Yamaguchi University, Japan, 2009
M.S., Applied Chemistry andChemical Engineering, Yamaguchi University, Japan, 2006
B.S., PetrochemicalEngineering, Henan University, P. R. China, 1990
·PretreatmentTechnologies of Lignocellulosic Biomass for Biofuels Production
·CelluloseFiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites
·TheModification of Cellulose
? The Highly EfficientCellulolytic Systems of Termite and Its Potential Utilization for BiofuelsIndustry
Email:cfxskd@hotmail.comTell: 0511-88796122 Fax: 0511-88790955
Yang-ChunYong, Ph.D
Biofuels Institute, School of the Environment
Professor, Graduate faculty for M.S. students
Ph.D., Biochemical Engineering, East China Universityof Science & Technology, China, 2009
B.S., Bioengineering, Hua Zhong AgriculturalUniversity, China, 2004
·Energy harvesting fromorganic waste (including wastewater, biomass etc.)
·CO2 fixationand transformation
·Novel biosensor forenvironmental monitoring
·Pollutants Biodegradation
·Bionanotechnology andBionanoelectronics
Email:ycyong@ujs.edu.cn Tel: +86-511-8878 6708 Fax: +86-511-88790955
Zhen Zhang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, MasterInstructor
2007.9-2010.7 Ph.D. in EnvironmentalSciences, State Key Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry & Ecotoxicology,Research Center for Eco-environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2003.9-2006.7 M.S. inDepartment of Basic Veterinary (For immunochemical techniques), College ofVeterinary Mecicine, China Agricultural University
1997.9-2001.7 B.S. in AnimalScience, College of Animal Science and Technology, China AgriculturalUniversity.
Research Interesting
·Novelanalytical methods for organic pollutants, especially immunoassay
·Transportand transformation of organic compounds in the environment.
·Environmentalfate of contaminants through novel analytical technology and bio-test.
·Environmentaltoxicology of organic compounds.
Email:zhzhenok@163.com Tell: +8615262915632 Fax: +86-0511-88796122
Xiaohu Jia,Ph.D.
School of the Environmentand Safety Engineering
PhD in Materials science,School of Material Science and Engineering,
The NorthwesternPolytechnical University, 2011
The University ofManchester, Materials chemistry, 2009.09-2010.09
MS in College of Chemistryand Environmental Science, Henan Normal University, Henan, P. R. China,Master¡¯s degree 2006
BS in College of Chemistryand Environmental Science, Henan Normal University, Henan, P. R. China, BSdegree 2003
·ControlledAssemble of metal oxides carbon-based hybrid materials
·Synthesisof metal oxide nano-materials and their application in gas sensor andphotocatalysit.
Email: jiaxh@mail.ujs.edu.cn Tell: 15262980635 Fax: +86-511-88790955
Cong-Yan Wang, Ph.D.
Lecturer,Graduate Faculty for M.S. Students
Ph.D., Biology, NanjingUniversity, P. R. China, 2011
·GlobalChange Ecology
·EnvironmentalMicrobial Ecology
·PlantEvolutionary Ecology
Email: liuyuexue623@163.comTell: +86-511-88790955 Fax: +86-511-88790955
Qian-qian Wang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Graduate faculty for M.S. students
Ph.D., Pulp and Paper Making, South China Universityof Technology, P. R. China, 2012
B. S., Pulp and Paper Making, Shandong Institute ofLight Industry, P. R. China, 2007
·Biomass feedstock characterization, Biomass Utilization forFuels and Chemicals
·Biorefinery process integration for efficient production ofbiofuel and bioproducts
·Nanofibrillated cellulose production, characterization, andutilization.
·Fiber resources, properties, characterization, processing,and modification
Email:qianqian.wz@gmail.com Tell: +86-15162973510 Fax: +86-511-88790955