School of the Environment and SafetyEngineering at Jiangsu University (JU) offers a variety of graduate programs tothose students who pursue a master degree (M.S.) in Environmental Science andEngineering. Our fundamental goal is to improve the student’s ability toinitiate and carry out a novel research project in the areas relevant to EnvironmentalScience and Engineering. Thus, the research programs of the school are mainlyfocused on the area of Environmental Science and Engineering as well as therelevant disciplines. To be a qualified applicant enrolling in a Master ofScience program in Environmental Science and Engineering, a student mustprovide:
? A bachelor degree inEnvironmental Science and Engineering or in the relevant fields/majors, such asMicrobiology, Chemistry, Ecology, Bioengineering, etc., from an accrediteduniversity with a transcript at least 3.0 of the GPA.
? Two recommendationreferences to support your application from persons who know you well in yourprofessional career.
? English capability tomeet the minimum requirements for a degree study at JU, including the skills inreading, oral communication, as well as writing, is also required.
? Meet with otheruniversity’s admission requirements.
(Surf on http://oec.ujs.edu.cn/pub/eng/Admission/ChoosingAProgram/DegreeProgram/).
1. To understandthe core problems relevant to environment science and engineering and possessthe essential knowledge and capability to deal with the real-worldenvironmental challenges
2. To possess a capability to commit the independentscientific/industrial research in a field of Environmental Science andEngineering or other relevant disciplines.
The M.S. Programs available inEnvironmental Science and Engineering:
1. Environmental Chemistry
2. Environmental Biology
3. Environmental Ecology and EcologicalRestoration Technology
4. Bioenergy and Resource Utilization
5. Environmental Toxicology
6. Environmental Planning andManagement
7. Monitoring and ControllingTechnologies Applied for Environment Protection
8. Equipment and Engineeringfor Pollution Control
Thegraduate students for Environmental Science and Engineeringmajor are required to accomplish at least 28 course credits which should beearned from the courses you will take, and the credits for degree courses shouldbe more than 14. The completion of 28 course credits is usually within oneyear, while the additional 2 to 3 years is used to complete the thesis researchproject and the oral examination in thesis defense.
Course Category |
Course Name |
Credit |
Term |
Courses From the School |
Remark |
Degree Courses
Compulsory Subjects for All Students |
Overview ofChina |
3 |
1 |
OverseasEducationCollege |
Compulsory |
Chinese |
4 |
1, 2 |
OverseasEducationCollege |
Fundamental Theories |
Mathematic Statistics |
2 |
1 |
School ofFinance |
Two of them |
Seminar |
2 |
1 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Modern Environmental Analysis and Technology |
2 |
2 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Compulsory |
Professional Foundation or Specialized Courses |
Modern Environmental biology |
2 |
1 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
At least two |
Advanced environmental analytical chemistry |
2 |
1 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Advance in water pollution control |
2 |
1 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Environmental molecular biology |
2 |
2 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Environmental microbiology |
2 |
2 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Environmental ecology |
2 |
2 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Specialized Elective Courses |
Advanced Environmental Chemistry |
2 |
2 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
At least two |
Environmental remediation technology |
2 |
2 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Global environment challenges |
2 |
2 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Environmental ethics |
2 |
2 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Advanced oxidation engineering |
2 |
2 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Environmental toxicology |
2 |
2 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Advanced Enzymology |
2 |
2 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Development and utilization of energy plants |
2 |
2 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Biotechnology in environmental science |
2 |
2 |
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering |
Selective for All
Research and Information LiteracyⅠ |
Literature Retrieval & Utilization |
2 |
1 |
Graduate School OverseasEducationCollege |
Selective |
Paper writing |
1 |
Research and Information LiteracyⅡ |
Patent application |
1 |
2 |
The master postgraduate students should bedirected by a qualified major supervisor (M.S. graduate faculty), as well as acommittee panel containing several qualified co-advisors/committee members. Theproposed advisory committee should consist of at least 4 members of the graduatefaculty, including the major advisor, who acts as the chair, where two of themmust come from the School of the Environment and Safety Engineering,with at least one with a full time position of the graduate faculty. Theremaining two members may come from School of the Environment and SafetyEngineering or from other colleges at JU (at least one with the full timeposition to serve as the Graduate Faculty at JU). If the student declares aminor, one committee member should be invited from the declared minor department/college.The committee should be established by end of the second semester inthestudent’s graduate career.
Graduate students are required to initiatetheir thesis study projects prior to the end of the second semester. Themedium-term examination for thesis study is scheduled in the fourth semester.Other following important schedules relevant to your graduate study could befound from the Overseas Education College (OEC) at JU. Ingeneral, a Master’s student is required to have a research proposal and a planof study accepted by his or her graduate advisory committee by end of thesecond semester of study. A list of completed courses taken in other accrediteduniversities and those to be proposed for PhD grogram should also be preparedbefore the first committee meeting. A meeting of the advisory committee shouldbe scheduled by the student to discuss his/her proposal and course work.
Everygraduate student is required to publish research paper in a relevant INTERNATIONALJOURNAL prior to being eligible to apply a thesis defense. The publishedacademic papers and research achievements should meet other university’s requirements< apply for degree ofjiangsuuniversity graduate student academic papers published during the period of learning>. The thesis must demonstrate a mastery of research innovation,ability to perform original and independent research, and skills in formulatingconclusions that enlarge upon or modify accepted ideas.
Applicants from a foreign country canapply a variety of Chinese central government and local government scholarship thatmay fully or partially support your degree study at JU. For further informationregarding these scholarships provided by Chinese government, you can surf onthe website of OEC for further information, JU, at http://oec.ujs.edu.cn/pub/eng/Scholarship/GS/.In addition to apply these funding resources, you can also apply a financialassistance provided by your advisor in school of the Environment and SafetyEngineering of JU during your degree study, which will mainly depends on yourperformance in academic research as well as the availability of the grants fromyour advisor.
Guidefor thesis and dissertation research proposal and plan of study
School of the Environment and Safety Engineering,JiangsuUniversity
TITLE: A brief, clear, specificdesignation of the subject of the research. The title, used by itself, shouldgive a good indication of the project.
OBJECTIVES: A clear, complete, and logicallyarranged statement of specific objectives of the project. If several objectivesare proposed, they must be closely related. List them as 1, 2, 3, etc.
JUSTIFICATION: Should present themotivation and importance of the research.
PREVIOUS WORK AND PRESENT OUTLOOK: A briefsummary covering pertinent previous research on the problem, citing importantand recent publications, the status of current research, and additionalinformation needed, to which the project is expected to contribute. This reviewwill help to determine work already accomplished.
PROCEDURE: A statement of essential workplans and methods to be used to attain each of the stated objectives. Theprocedure should correspond with objectives, and follow the same order. Phasesof the work to be undertaken should be designated.
RESEARCH METHOD: should specify theresearch method of the project, if the theoretical analysis is conducted, thebasic model description should be given, if the empirical study is conducted,the possible source of data should be indicated.
PROBABLE DURATION: An estimate of themaximum time likely to be required to complete research and publish results.
LITERATURE CITED: List important andrecent publications involving this field of work.
Comments of Discipline: Person in charge(Signature): Date |
Review opinion of college academic degree sub-committee:
Person in charge (Signature): Date |